Class today included:
Blasting through the city (Radio Retaliation): Thievery Corporation (3:34)
Walt Whitman, “City of Ships”
Charles Bukowski, “A Poem is a City”
See Scholar for the course outline and readings.
Assignment I – City Words (5 pts)
Assigned: January 18, 2011
Due: January 19, 2011 (by 5:00pm)
What words describe places we live and grow up? Places have significant effects on how we see cities and regions and shape our preferences for places to live. Select one other person from the class and ask their 1) name, 2) place name, and 3) five words (not terms, but single descriptive words) they associate with where they grew up. You will receive an email (sent to your VT account) with a link to a survey to enter this information.(Please post questions here).
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