Cities, etc.

Cities, etc.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

City in Media

Class today included:

Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler): Marvin Gaye (5:46)

Assignment 2
City Images: See student submitted images on Flickr.

City in Cinema (examples):

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Drugstore Cowboy

Roger and Me

Do the Right Thing


Falling Down

Edward Scissorhands

On the Waterfront

Blue Velvet

Assignment 3 – City Sounds (5 pts)
Assigned: January 27, 2011
Due: January 31, 2011 (by 5:00pm)
Find/record a 15 second sound that represents “city” or “urban” to you. Post the file to: with the file name as firstname+lastname.wav (or other audio type).

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 – City Images (5 pts)

Assigned: January 20, 2011

Due: January 25, 2011 (by 5:00pm)

Find one image that represents “city” or “urban” to you. This can be from where you grew up, where you currently live, where you’d like to live, or another place that typifies “city” or “urban” to you. Post the picture to: with the file name as firstname+lastname.jpg (or other image type). The image should be no larger than 4” x 4” at 150 dpi, color or black and white. The account name is and the password is uap1024.

Image of the City

Class today included:

Your Love is Like Las Vegas (So Much for the City): The Thrills (2:23)

It’s Hard to be a Saint in the City (Greetings from Asbury Park): Bruce Springsteen (3:13)

CITY WORDS (Assignment 1)

Class Contributions
Rachel Russell (broad outlook)

Emily Savoca (qualities that are important for a city)

Video: The City, 1939

Reading the City

Think about how the words you used to describe your "places" are connected to Lynch's paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks. Do you associate your place with any of these?

End of class:

I'm Broke (Tell'em What Your Name Is!): Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears (4:08)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Class today included:

Blasting through the city (Radio Retaliation): Thievery Corporation (3:34)

Walt Whitman, “City of Ships”
Charles Bukowski, “A Poem is a City”

See Scholar for the course outline and readings.

Assignment I – City Words (5 pts)

Assigned: January 18, 2011

Due: January 19, 2011 (by 5:00pm)

What words describe places we live and grow up? Places have significant effects on how we see cities and regions and shape our preferences for places to live. Select one other person from the class and ask their 1) name, 2) place name, and 3) five words (not terms, but single descriptive words) they associate with where they grew up. You will receive an email (sent to your VT account) with a link to a survey to enter this information.(Please post questions here).