Cities, etc.
Friday, April 29, 2011
16 Blocks in 60 Seconds
First Annual 16 Blocks in 60 Seconds Filmfest. This is the final assignment for UAP 1024 and it proves to be a blockbuster. Come join us!
See the official trailer here.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Class today included:
The Royal Scam (The Royal Scam): Steely Dan (6:30); Blood Brothers (Infest): Papa Roach (3:33)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Pecha Kucha
Class today included:
Plans (Farm): Dinosaur Jr. (6:41); Marie Marie (American Music): Blasters (2:03); Socialite (Loud and Plowed): Beat Farmers (3:48)
Nice presentations today. The results were as follows:
Click on the name below to see the presentation:
James Mills
Mike Shirk
Rachel Russell
Alex Fuchsman
Ben King
Congratulations to James, Mike, Rachel, Alex, and Ben.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Urban Ecology
Class today included:
Green 'It's Not Easy Being Green' (Light Out of Darkness): Shirley Horn (3:15); Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You (A Man & a Half): Wilson Pickett (3:03)
Urban Ecology

Go see Waste Land at the Lyric:
Tomorrow in class will be Pecha Kucha presentations. You will receive 5 extra-credit points if yours is selected and you are present. There will be no class contribution points available.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Shrinking Cities
Class today included:
My City of Ruin (The Rising): Bruce Springsteen (5:00); Allentown (The Nylon Curtain): Billy Joel (3:52)
Was that Kid Rock in the back row of class today?
Joe Schilling talked about Shrinking Cities
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Regional Visioning
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Digital Cities
Class today included:
Group Therapy (Inside/Outside): Concrete Blonde (6:09); Do the Hokey Pokey (Fast Women & Slow Horses): Tom Waits (5:28)
Digital Cities
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Suburbs
Class today included:
Jesus of Suburbia (American Idiot): Green Day (9:07)
The Suburbs
The Suburbs (The Suburbs): Arcade Fire (5:14)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Food Systems
Today's class included:
In My Place (A Rush of Blood to the Head): Coldplay (3:49); When I Drink (The Gleam): Avett Brothers (3:18)
Derren Rosbach talks about food systems
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Civil Unrest, Demonstrations, and Protest
Class today included:
Revolution Rock (London Calling): The Clash (5:32); Finally Moving (Taking Up Your Precious Time): Pretty Lights (4:37); The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (The Revolution Will Not Be Televised): Gil Scott-Heron (3:06)
Incidents of Civil Unrest in the United States
Submitted by Group 9:
Assignment 5 – 16 Blocks Video (15 pts)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Public Spaces
Class today included: Step Into the Projects (Plantation Lullabies): Me'shell NdegeOcell (3:54); Where It's At (Odelay): Beck (5:29)
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces
People watching and places to sit! (might come in handy for the next midterm)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sustainable Transport
Class today included:
October Song (Frank): Amy Winehouse (3:24); 99 Luft Balloons (99 Luft Balloons): Nena (4:43)
Ralph Buehler talked about sustainable transport.

Additional reading recommended by Dr. Buehler:
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Sustainable Communities and Urban Ecology
Class today included:
City Love (Room for Squares): John Mayer (4:00); Track 4 (Glory of Durga): Lata Mangeshkar (6:29)
Stephen Goldsmith talks about Sustainable Communities and Urban Ecology.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sustainable Housing
Class today included:
Paper Gangsta (The Fame): Lady Gaga (4:25); That Old Black Magic (Heart of the Matter): Frank Sinatra (4:03)
Dr. Ted Koebel talks about "sustainable housing"
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Midterm I
Class today included:
Video (Acoustic Soul): Indie.Airie (4:02); Summer in the City (Begin to Hope): Regina Spektor (3:50)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Right to the City
Class today included:
Revolution (Isle of View): The Pretenders (5:23); Boplicity (Birth of the Cool): Miles Davis (3:00)
As we watch the children play,
Remember, it was me and you,
So far away,
The things we got out to do.
The fond fear of danger,
That's what sets us apart,
Couldn't wait for the real world
To test the strength of the lion's heart.
Cats like me and you,
Have got laws,
That they adhere to.
Laws outside the laws,
As laid down
By those we don't subscribe to.
The world is getting stranger.
But we'll never lose heart.
We can't just wait for the old guard to die,
Before we can make a new start.
Bring on the revolution,
Keep the pressure on.
I want to die for something.
Bring on the revolution,
I want to die for something, want to die for something.
Bring on the revolution,
I want to die for something. (nothing)
Bring on the revolution,
Don't wanna die for nothing. (something, something)
For every freedom fighter,
I want to hold on tighter.
To the hope and will you gave
You were the brave, you were the brave.
And one day, when I hear your children sing,
Freedom will ring, Freedom.
When we watch the children play,
Remember how the privileged classes grew.
And from this day, we set out
To undo what won't undo.
Looking for the grand in the minute.
Every breath justifies
Every step that we take to remove what the powers that be can't prove
And the children will understand why.
Bring on the revolution,
Keep the pressure on,
I want to die for something.
Bring on the revolution,
I want to die for something.
Bring on the revolution,
Don't want to die for nothing.
Bring on the revolution,
I want to die for something.
Midterm next Tuesday (2/22/10)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sustainable Cities
Included in class today:
Heartbeat (Heartbeat): Ryuichi Sakamoto (4:46); Jane Says (Nothing's Shocking): Jane's Addiction (4:52)
Guest Speaker: Stephen Goldsmith
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Urban Divide
Included in class today:
Free Money (Horses): Patti Smith (3:51); Big City (Down Every Road): Merle Haggard (3:01)
City Haiku
Smoky city night
Piercing yowl shatters the dark.
Nonchalant to the
Bloodshot glares from dark windows,
The city cat tiptoes by
Cicero Grey
The Wave
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
State of the World's Cities
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The City Experience

Class today included:
The Real Slim Shady (Instrumental - The Singles Boxset): Eminem (4:45); Jesus, etc. (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot): Wilco (4:00)
Reading review:
Mumford, “What is a city” – social nature of cities
Jacobs, “The kind of problem a city is” – what to consider in looking at cities
Lynch, “The image of the environment” – identity, structure, and meaning
Mumford, “The Disappearing City” – formless urbanization
Ellin, “The Tao of Urbanism” – integrated nature of cities
Torres-Fleming, “Of things seen and unseen” – how experience shapes vision
Macek, “The Cinema of Suburban Paranoia” – familiar urban movie themes
Sandercock, “A Planning Imagination…” – reshaping planning thought
Sandercock, “A New Spin on the Creative City” – the role of creativity
Krieger, “Pervasive Urban Media Documentation” – urban tomography
Krieger, “Urban Tomography” – examples and application
Koolhaas, “The Generic City” – considering urban form and reality
Sitte, “The Meager and Unimaginative Character of Modern City Plans” and “Artistic Limitations of Modern City Planning” – cities as art?Video: A Man a Camera

The class that came in after ours was about mushrooms. Interesting.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sensing Cities
Class today included:
New Millennium Homes (The Battle of Los Angeles): Rage Against the Machine (3:43); Metropolitan Glide (Real Gone): Tom Waits (4:13)
City Sounds (from Assignment 3)
Urban Tomography (link)

Future-cities-lab (link)
Assignment 4 – City in 60 Seconds (10 pts)
Assigned: February 1, 2011
Due: February 21, 2011 (by 5:00pm)
Create a one minute video that is your interpretation of “city” or “urban”. You are encouraged to be (very) creative. Post the file to: the file name as firstname+lastname.avi (or other video type). The account name is and the password is uap1024.
* Hint: Innovation Space
Thursday, January 27, 2011
City in Media

Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler): Marvin Gaye (5:46)
Assignment 2
City Images: See student submitted images on Flickr.
City in Cinema (examples):

Drugstore Cowboy
Roger and Me
Do the Right Thing
Falling Down
Edward Scissorhands
On the Waterfront
Blue Velvet
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Assignment 2

Assigned: January 20, 2011
Due: January 25, 2011 (by 5:00pm)
Find one image that represents “city” or “urban” to you. This can be from where you grew up, where you currently live, where you’d like to live, or another place that typifies “city” or “urban” to you. Post the picture to: with the file name as firstname+lastname.jpg (or other image type). The image should be no larger than 4” x 4” at 150 dpi, color or black and white. The account name is and the password is uap1024.Image of the City

Class today included:
Your Love is Like Las Vegas (So Much for the City): The Thrills (2:23)
It’s Hard to be a Saint in the City (Greetings from Asbury Park): Bruce Springsteen (3:13)
CITY WORDS (Assignment 1)
Class Contributions
Rachel Russell (broad outlook)
Emily Savoca (qualities that are important for a city)
Video: The City, 1939
Reading the City
Think about how the words you used to describe your "places" are connected to Lynch's paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks. Do you associate your place with any of these?
End of class:
I'm Broke (Tell'em What Your Name Is!): Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears (4:08)